Too cliche? quite possibly, but I find myself in a mood - especially at this time of year. I've been planning this post for a few days, but it finally gelled tonight.
As we approach New Years, I see many of my friends talking about resolutions. Aspects in their lives they don't like, that they are going to change - with the illusion that THEN they will be happy. I had someone tell me that it is a time to "reset" everything - make life a do over and that the bad events from the last year no longer count. It's like starting a new semester over -everyone has straight A's on the first day of school.
But I think I want to have a different approach to the New Year. This has been a bit of a rough year for us, but even with that, I don't think I would change a thing. Even during the rougher times, we have seen amazing blessings. That is what I think we should use the New Year for, a time to review all the past year, and look at the blessings in our lives and how we have grown from those trials. And then look to the New Year considering what we learned, how we will use it, and be open to the trials and blessings coming.
The sad part, is I suspect that most everyone else knows this already - and I'm running a bit behind. I guess all I can say to that is I will catch up eventually!
So what has been great about this year?
Joseph found a job - one that supports us without requiring me to work outside the home.
Stu is taller than both of us - he is healthy, happy and eating me out of house and home!
I've been able to go back to school - with the aid of scholarships to pursue a goal I set when I was 12
I've got a brother out serving in the mission field- who is growing up, in a way that makes me proud to be his sister
One Brother in Law was married in the Temple to the perfect woman for him
Another graduated from college
I've got a brand new nephew - who I adore already, along with my two favorite little hoodlums.
Stuart is making great advancements towards his Eagle - he is a Star Rank now, and pushing on towards Life.
Joseph and I celebrated 7 yrs of marriage - and being married to him is one of the best blessings I've ever been given.
Even with the struggles, the people we've lost, the stresses and the fears, how could I ever say this was a bad year? I'm still nervous about next year - but looking forward to it as well. I may not like everything that comes - but I know I'll be able to deal with it, and be better for it.
Stuart believes if you are going to build something.... build it to last. Well - here is the beginnings of his snow fort. I don't have the heart to tell him, that as winter progresses, that is exactly where they will dump the plowed snow from the road. But, I guess half the fun is making it, so he'll just get to build another one later in the winter.
Does anyone else feel like you are trapped in a snowball, and are being hurled down the hill? The longer you are in it, the more snow it picks up, trapping you longer and the faster it seems to go???
I do.
This has been a really busy weekend, and it was supposed to be my fall break. We re-arranged furniture and stuff, and tried to get more organized. No such luck. I desperately need shelves in the closet down stairs, ones that will hold up the weight of our pantry items. Currently, our food storage is packed in the hallway, so you have to dodge oatmeal on your way up the stairs. I have a problem with disorganization, everything has a place, and everything needs to be in its place, or I swear, the world is going to spin off it axis.
Anyway, all of this was in preparation for having some of Joseph's family with us. Steve moved in, while he is looking for work and Mike and Shelley will be here for about a week or so. Mike was able to get some work up here, which is good for them - they need it too.
So, neurotic me got up early today, and re-did my chore chart, menu and laundry schedule (yes... I usually have all of those things even when it is just the 3 of us)
I think my washer and dryer will be going non stop for the next week or so. Too bad they haven't changed over to captured uniforms for Joseph at work. That would have helped out a lot.
School is going well still. I've hit a rough patch in chemistry, but I'll figure it out. I always do. At least the math right now is clicking away... no problems there. I will have to get a lot of work done early this week, since I have to send back the computer to get the power supply fixed. At least it is under warranty. That is one thing I don't think I could have handled.
ok, its waffle time.gotta run.
I do.
This has been a really busy weekend, and it was supposed to be my fall break. We re-arranged furniture and stuff, and tried to get more organized. No such luck. I desperately need shelves in the closet down stairs, ones that will hold up the weight of our pantry items. Currently, our food storage is packed in the hallway, so you have to dodge oatmeal on your way up the stairs. I have a problem with disorganization, everything has a place, and everything needs to be in its place, or I swear, the world is going to spin off it axis.
Anyway, all of this was in preparation for having some of Joseph's family with us. Steve moved in, while he is looking for work and Mike and Shelley will be here for about a week or so. Mike was able to get some work up here, which is good for them - they need it too.
So, neurotic me got up early today, and re-did my chore chart, menu and laundry schedule (yes... I usually have all of those things even when it is just the 3 of us)
I think my washer and dryer will be going non stop for the next week or so. Too bad they haven't changed over to captured uniforms for Joseph at work. That would have helped out a lot.
School is going well still. I've hit a rough patch in chemistry, but I'll figure it out. I always do. At least the math right now is clicking away... no problems there. I will have to get a lot of work done early this week, since I have to send back the computer to get the power supply fixed. At least it is under warranty. That is one thing I don't think I could have handled.
ok, its waffle time.gotta run.
Ok, so maybe not the Great Pumpkin, but it was a lot of fun. We decided we needed to go out and get pumpkins. It was time for some fun. We headed over the Little Bear Bottoms, the only pumpkin patch in the valley, after Joseph woke up and we ate dinner. Turns out, that while the corn maze and everything else is open until 11pm - they don't have the pumpkin patch lit up. But you can still stumble around in the dark, and pick out your pumpkin. Since the pumpkin was $2... we figured... good deal.
So 3 grown adults and Stuart, went a-wandering around a pumpkin patch in the dark. Joseph found one he liked, and so did Steven. Stu and I struck out. We'll have to find our pumpkins elsewhere.
But here are a few pictures from our adventure in the dark. (and yes.... we took the pictures with the flash, so we could see what the pumpkins looked like. It was amusing.)
So 3 grown adults and Stuart, went a-wandering around a pumpkin patch in the dark. Joseph found one he liked, and so did Steven. Stu and I struck out. We'll have to find our pumpkins elsewhere.
But here are a few pictures from our adventure in the dark. (and yes.... we took the pictures with the flash, so we could see what the pumpkins looked like. It was amusing.)
It is time to put up another, happier posting.
Sadly? our live has been dull and boring since we got back. So - you will have to tolerate the boring post.
We have been playing musical rooms at the house. Joseph thought he might sleep better in the back of the house, instead of the front, due to road noise from the highway during the day. So, insanely, we moved all of the books and bookshelves from the library and placed them in the front room, which is still the master bedroom. We made a nice nook for reading in the bay window. I am actually enjoying it. The room was the same size as the living room downstairs, so the extra space is nice. The down side? we still use the closet as our closet. Eventually, if we really intend to leave it this way, we may move ALL of the food storage into that closet and move our clothes - but the other 2 rooms are really tiny. Our bed barely fits, with only 18" around and just enough clearance for the door to close. We will just have to wait and see.
Then we realized, that if Steven was going to be staying with us, we would have to move the office. Now THAT is a task. We have moved my counters, books cases and shelves, and re-organized all of my fabric stash. I've been working on that last part - the organizing - for over a week. But, it fits nicely in the library, and I can sit and sew while Joseph reads or Stuart does homework. We are almost done clearing out the office, so that Steven has a room. I wonder if I should paint before he comes.... considering the room is purple- or really...more of a lavender with girly curtains,..
Stuart is doing well - mostly. Still won't turn in all of his homework - but he knows, this year - the consequences are all on him. I can't keep him fed, can't keep him in clothes or shoes, but that is the basic definition of teenage boy, right?
Ok... Next time pictures, and hopefully something more entertaining to read about.
Sadly? our live has been dull and boring since we got back. So - you will have to tolerate the boring post.
We have been playing musical rooms at the house. Joseph thought he might sleep better in the back of the house, instead of the front, due to road noise from the highway during the day. So, insanely, we moved all of the books and bookshelves from the library and placed them in the front room, which is still the master bedroom. We made a nice nook for reading in the bay window. I am actually enjoying it. The room was the same size as the living room downstairs, so the extra space is nice. The down side? we still use the closet as our closet. Eventually, if we really intend to leave it this way, we may move ALL of the food storage into that closet and move our clothes - but the other 2 rooms are really tiny. Our bed barely fits, with only 18" around and just enough clearance for the door to close. We will just have to wait and see.
Then we realized, that if Steven was going to be staying with us, we would have to move the office. Now THAT is a task. We have moved my counters, books cases and shelves, and re-organized all of my fabric stash. I've been working on that last part - the organizing - for over a week. But, it fits nicely in the library, and I can sit and sew while Joseph reads or Stuart does homework. We are almost done clearing out the office, so that Steven has a room. I wonder if I should paint before he comes.... considering the room is purple- or really...more of a lavender with girly curtains,..
Stuart is doing well - mostly. Still won't turn in all of his homework - but he knows, this year - the consequences are all on him. I can't keep him fed, can't keep him in clothes or shoes, but that is the basic definition of teenage boy, right?
Ok... Next time pictures, and hopefully something more entertaining to read about.
Both have been topics on my mind for today. 2 families that I know have been dealt this blow in the last few days. But it has brought the topic to the forefront of my mind, as well as some old, long buried emotion. My husbands cousin passed away this morning. I did not know her well - as she was a little older than joseph, and he played more with the boys growing up, but I did have the chance to see her several times. She reminded me of what my grandmother would often speak of - a Gracious Lady. I wish I had the chance to get to know her better before she passed on. Grief is an interesting animal. Even with as little as I knew her, I feel it, but not for her. I have no doubt that she currently with family and it will be but a blink of an eye, before the rest of her family are with her again. But I feel for her parents, two people that I admire and look up to. No parent should out live their child, as another good friend learned this afternoon, as she buried her infant daughter. Although, we know it isn't really loss, just a temporary situation, it still hurts - and I know that it is so much more for immediate family-than what Joseph and I feel. We want to help, to alievate it somehow, and we know that we can't - all we can offer is love. There is a poem - a common one, but I have like regardless, and it is very descriptive.
by Henry Van Dyke - 1852 - 1933
I am standing by the seashore.
A ship at my side spreads her white sails to the morning breeze
and starts for the blue ocean.
She is an object of beauty and strength,
and I stand and watch
until at last she hangs like a peck of white cloud
just where the sun and sky come down to mingle with each other.
Then someone at my side says, 'There she goes!
Gone where? Gone from my sight - that is all.
She is just as large in mast and hull and spar
as she was when she left my side
and just as able to bear her load of living freight
to the places of destination.
Her diminished size is in me, not in her.
And just at the moment when someone at my side says,
'There she goes! ' ,
there are other eyes watching her coming,
and other voices ready to take up the glad shout :
'Here she comes!'
While I think that separation is hard on those who are left standing on the shore, we can find comfort in knowing that when its our turn, those that we have loved and missed, will be the ones to watch and say, "Here she comes"
So how does gratitude play into grief? At least for me, it reminds me of what I have lost, and yet what I have gained and been blessed with. That my struggles are small, and that I've not been asked to do hard things yet. It provides perspective, and a reminder as to what is honestly important - and that is family and faith.
So that should be fair enough warning I'm in a bad mood today. I'm having a little pity party for the next 5 min.
I am tired of being ugly. I am tired of feeling like I have to hide behind turtlenecks and not wearing makeup or jewelry becuase it might draw attention to my face or neck. I hate feeling like I wish I was invisible! I hate having to deal with facial hair. I am tired of people staring and commenting under their breaths, and I'm tired of pretending it doesn't bother me when kids say things, even knowing they really don't know any better. I hate how unfeminine it makes me feel. I'm done with doctors and insurance companies that say, oh it's not a big deal - and yet those same one will pay for reconstructive surgeries, because to leave someone deformed or shaped differently becuase of a medical condition is cruel. It takes away from their self image.
Well let me tell you - getting up in the morning - and have a better beard than your husband is DEMORALIZING! It ruins self image just as not having breasts does, or having to wear a wig. Does is tell us something, that the bearded lady was the freak in the circus side show - right next to the hunchback?
I know that many out there will say - wow what a selfish person, doesn't she realize that people are dying? And yeah - I do. If I had to choose between life with this or death? I'd choose this. But please don't invalidate my feelings with how you think I should be feeling.
I often step back and wonder, what was it I saw in the pre-existence, that was so amazing to me that I was willing to say - yes - I am willing to take on this problem, and be willing to give up having many children as a part of it, becuase I knew it would be worth it...... crud... a glimpse of that right now would be a welcome change for a few minutes. I need a recharge....either that or I have to content my self with ugly. and unfortunately? I don't see either happening.
ok... pity party is over..... back to work.
Stuart has been working hard at scouting over this summer - and we are both really proud of what he has been able to accomplish! Last night they held the Court of Honor, for all the awards earned at camp this summer. Stuart set a high goal of 6 merit badges and came very close to that. Here are the ones he finished:
He also finished up Environmental Science last spring, so he earned 6 badges over the summer. We sat down and he set up goals for finishing the other merit badges he needs. His goal is to be able to work on his Eagle starting in the spring, and then do it over the summer -before he heads up to camp - where he is wants to work as a CIT - counselor in training. I still need to look into that - and make sure it won't interfere with his varsity activity. But, he is motivated at the moment, lets hope that he stays motivated.
Another item we are very proud of him for, is achieving the rank of Star. He finished up everything for that last month, and they were able to have his Scout Master Conference and board of Review yesterday. He didn't recieve the award at the court of honor, but as far as advancement goes - they told him that his time starts as of yesterday. So we are very happy that he has made it to there. His goal there is to have his life rank by March, and he is well on his way for that. - So even though I know he rarely reads this - STUART - we are very proud of you and pleased with your progress.
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Emergency Preparedness |
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Swimming |
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Sculpture |
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Wilderness Survival |
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Environmental Science |
He also finished up Environmental Science last spring, so he earned 6 badges over the summer. We sat down and he set up goals for finishing the other merit badges he needs. His goal is to be able to work on his Eagle starting in the spring, and then do it over the summer -before he heads up to camp - where he is wants to work as a CIT - counselor in training. I still need to look into that - and make sure it won't interfere with his varsity activity. But, he is motivated at the moment, lets hope that he stays motivated.
Another item we are very proud of him for, is achieving the rank of Star. He finished up everything for that last month, and they were able to have his Scout Master Conference and board of Review yesterday. He didn't recieve the award at the court of honor, but as far as advancement goes - they told him that his time starts as of yesterday. So we are very happy that he has made it to there. His goal there is to have his life rank by March, and he is well on his way for that. - So even though I know he rarely reads this - STUART - we are very proud of you and pleased with your progress.
1.the act or an instance of motivating.
2.the state or condition of being motivated.
3.something that motivates; inducement; incentiveHm... well #1 doesn't apply - I'm no where near #2 - but that could be solved with #3 - anyone have any suggestions? I have a small paper to write, and math homework - and even the idea of a free day tomorrow - or at least free of homework isn't motivating to me yet.
Here is what I am motivated to do:
Sleep - sounds like a great idea.
However, in reality - I will probably go write my paper.
Stuart is growing up - the infatuation with girls is starting. We stopped by the library, just the other afternoon. I spent some time over in the fiction section. As I head over to tell Stu he needs to hurry up - I notice a young lady, watching him from around one of the shelves. I have to say - she was cute. Of course, I'm also thinking that he is oblivious to her - but for the moment it gave me hope - that I will get a good d-law and grandkids.
I can't wait to tell Joseph about it, the girl checking Stu out - and as soon as I catch up with them, I pull him aside. Here is a brief transcript of our conversation
Me: - So - I have to tell you about the girl at the library (with a big grin on my face)
Joseph: - yeah - Jessica, right?
Me: ?? Jessica??
Joseph: Yup - Stuart was telling me about seeing her at the library - and kinda watching what she was doing with out her noticing.
At this point? I have to sit down I am laughing so hard. Here I was, thinking "wow - a girl is checking out my son" that I didn't notice he was checking HER out! and neither of them spotted each other doing it!!!!! It is the young lady we think he has a crush on - but he insists that they are just friends. Which we like, but we are also trying to get him to understand that while you don't ACT on those feelings at this point, its ok to have them, and he can offer to carry her books, or even dance with her. He will be going to church dances in about 3 months. Joseph is going to teach him how to dance - so at least he has some real moves.
Time will tell. I think raising a teenage boy just became much more entertaining.
As always - we managed to scrape out a little time for a family trip. We headed up Smithfield Canyon for a few nights. We enjoy living so close to the National Forest, it makes small trips like this possible. Matt and Crenda and the boys came up for the evening. As always, it is great fun to see the boys. I brought up cupcakes, since I missed their birthdays. Logan - managed to con Aunt Sarah out of 2 cupcakes - but all he wanted was the frosting. I have to say though, watching Andrew, was an education. I have never watched anyone eat the cupcake OUT FROM UNDER the frosting! It was amazing. We had to give Crenda a bit of a hard time, as she wore white pants up. Needless to say, they were no longer white by the end of the evening.
The next best part, was watching the power struggle, and yes - power struggle, between Joseph and Matt. Its not a side of Joseph that comes out very often. It took over 45 min for then to get the fire started. Which I found incredibly amusing. Both insisting that their way was the right way. Needless to say, all the other fires Joseph built took right off, and I'm sure that any that Matt builds do the same, but I don't think I'm ever going to let them do it together again.
The rest of the trip was fairly normal. The only other fun part, was when I was making pancakes. I typically use a gallon ziplock bag, to mix in and then clip the end to pour out. Well...I managed to cut a hole in both ends - and instead of pouring out one pancake - I poured out the whole bowl. I'm grateful that the griddle I take camping has a lip. I managed to cook one GIANT pancake - 14" square. Flipping it was a bit of a task. Had to break it up a bit, but I managed. Didn't taste to bad, either.
Joseph took some pictures of the stars, with the tripod. I'm not sure how they came out - he said something about Venus in a crescent..... but all I could see was a bunch of dots.
Anyway - more to come! School has started and I'm sure that there will much more to come.
The next best part, was watching the power struggle, and yes - power struggle, between Joseph and Matt. Its not a side of Joseph that comes out very often. It took over 45 min for then to get the fire started. Which I found incredibly amusing. Both insisting that their way was the right way. Needless to say, all the other fires Joseph built took right off, and I'm sure that any that Matt builds do the same, but I don't think I'm ever going to let them do it together again.
The rest of the trip was fairly normal. The only other fun part, was when I was making pancakes. I typically use a gallon ziplock bag, to mix in and then clip the end to pour out. Well...I managed to cut a hole in both ends - and instead of pouring out one pancake - I poured out the whole bowl. I'm grateful that the griddle I take camping has a lip. I managed to cook one GIANT pancake - 14" square. Flipping it was a bit of a task. Had to break it up a bit, but I managed. Didn't taste to bad, either.
Joseph took some pictures of the stars, with the tripod. I'm not sure how they came out - he said something about Venus in a crescent..... but all I could see was a bunch of dots.
Anyway - more to come! School has started and I'm sure that there will much more to come.
This morning was fun! - ok - sarcasm doesn't transfer well in the written word.
But at least he is off, and didn't miss the bus. Of course, there was the mad scramble to find his backpack, and load it (not sure why this was an issue, since I PERSONALLY loaded it up after I came home with all our school supplies and put it in the closet with mine.) Mine is still there, ready to go, but some how, his ended up elsewhere in the house. And there was the normal arguing over time - when he "really" needs to get up, claiming that he showered last night, as well as when the bus gets there. I forgot how teens are, about knowing everything. He inisted that the bus got there at 7:10 - and I kept trying to tell him, nope - they changed it. He wasted 8 minutes presenting an argument as to why they wouldn't change it year to year, to avoid confusion, etc....
I finally had to bring up the website, and show him the new routes and new schedules, beucase there are new schools in the district.
His response???
"oh.... yeah"
But - he made it, he is off, and I actually got a picture - and he hates these pictures!
But at least he is off, and didn't miss the bus. Of course, there was the mad scramble to find his backpack, and load it (not sure why this was an issue, since I PERSONALLY loaded it up after I came home with all our school supplies and put it in the closet with mine.) Mine is still there, ready to go, but some how, his ended up elsewhere in the house. And there was the normal arguing over time - when he "really" needs to get up, claiming that he showered last night, as well as when the bus gets there. I forgot how teens are, about knowing everything. He inisted that the bus got there at 7:10 - and I kept trying to tell him, nope - they changed it. He wasted 8 minutes presenting an argument as to why they wouldn't change it year to year, to avoid confusion, etc....
I finally had to bring up the website, and show him the new routes and new schedules, beucase there are new schools in the district.
His response???
"oh.... yeah"
But - he made it, he is off, and I actually got a picture - and he hates these pictures!
After Joseph left for work this evening, Stuart kept coming up - just using general excuses to stay up. When I asked him if he was worried about school tomorrow, he finally admitted he was. When I asked him specifically - he finally admitted he that he thinks he needs to start shaving. He is becoming conscious of his upper lip.
I told him that I didn't think he needed to yet, and that the sooner you start - the longer you have to, so wait as long as possible. But since that didn't seem to pacify him, I told him he could talk to his dad tomorrow after school.
*sigh* - I'm not ready for him to keep growing up this way. Before I know it, he'll be grown and gone.
So, for a first shave - what do you think? Blade or Electric? How long do you think I'll be able to get him to put it off? Although - I am willing to jump on any bit of interest he is showing in personal hygiene.
I guess time will tell. Pic's of the first day of school tomorrow morning - If I can get him to let me take them.
Or, rather, a productive 24 hrs! We have apparently been sick over here - only we didn't realize it. Exhaustion and massive headache = very UNPRODUCTIVE days.
But today I'm making up for it. Last night, I did 3 batches of strawberry jam - enough to last us until next year (at least for strawberry.... I still need to do blackberry - if I can find them) and I've re-done the inventory on food storage, in preparation for the case lot sales that are coming up. I've finally had the energy to start cleaning from stem to stern! including washing walls and baseboards. I may even try cleaning the carpets later - but I don't want to over-do.
It is also nice to have everything back on track and on schedule for the fall. With school starting tomorrow, I am welcoming a return to routine. - Nice, calm, quiet routine.
yeah... I'm probably deluding myself about that last part - but hey - sanity is overrated.
ok.. back to the grindstone!
But today I'm making up for it. Last night, I did 3 batches of strawberry jam - enough to last us until next year (at least for strawberry.... I still need to do blackberry - if I can find them) and I've re-done the inventory on food storage, in preparation for the case lot sales that are coming up. I've finally had the energy to start cleaning from stem to stern! including washing walls and baseboards. I may even try cleaning the carpets later - but I don't want to over-do.
It is also nice to have everything back on track and on schedule for the fall. With school starting tomorrow, I am welcoming a return to routine. - Nice, calm, quiet routine.
yeah... I'm probably deluding myself about that last part - but hey - sanity is overrated.
ok.. back to the grindstone!
OK - Yes I'm being a little bit silly - but it seems to fit! (we should have counted the # of times Mike said it!)
I finally have a few pictures to put up from this weekend. Of course though - I messed up the camera settings, so there are very very few. It was a great weekend. There is just something about relaxing in the woods with family. Not everyone was able to make it up - We missed Holly and Bob, and Lisa's Family and Bill's family had other commitments, but it was a great time.
The kids seemed to have fun - fishing and playing in the water with the rope swing - and the adults spent time just visiting. Even the girls trip into town was fun. Of course - the temptation to spend money was great. We found this gadget - and I REALLLY REALLY want one - but I resisted!. Maybe for christmas (hint hint.......joseph)
You should check it out. FANTASTIC TOY!
But I digress.
I think, second to the company, the food was the next best part of the weekend. All the meal were great, but Brian and Jaime had a new thing for us to try. Needless to say? That was a great treat - and we know what everyone is getting for Christmas! Actually - Joseph is making us a set this week, to take camping over labor day. That will be our family camp-out for the summer. We are still staying local - but it is a toss up between High Creek and Green Canyon. I'm voting for High Creek. Joseph and I think we'll head up there Friday AM - right when he gets off work - and set up camp - leaving him there to sleep. Stuart and I both have school, and I'll just pick him up on the way back up there. Since there isn't a limit on the # of campers - anyone is invited to join us. It is a no fee campsite, which is great for groups.
anyway -this great treat? is called a "Dough Boy" - its a stick that can hold a biscuit, then you cook them over the fire. After they are cooked, you can put pie filling or fruit inside. They were really great. We can see breakfast uses as well - with sausages and eggs or yogurt and granola. Brian was the master - but he as had practice. He says the trick is to cook the sides first - then the bottom, otherwise the sides come off the stick, and then the whole biscuit falls off. The kids didn't quite get it, but apparently they are ok with eating under cooked biscuit dough (eewwwww). Of course, there was also the traditional smores and marshmallows. We were teasing Uncle John a little bit, becuase the adults would wait until the coals looked good to cook ours, and while we went to get the stick and dough, Uncle John would stoke up the fire, to make sure it kept going - so when we got back? BONFIRE! But since we were up until 2 am - the fire was useful and we were grateful to have it.
I believe I may have rambled on enough for now. We should get the kids to post some of their adventures. I'll pester Stuart - and have him tell you about the show they did up at the amphitheater, the bones they found, and the different games they played (Including their disappointment, when all of the adults ruled out the game they were making up, that required them to throw lawn darts at each other.....)
I finally have a few pictures to put up from this weekend. Of course though - I messed up the camera settings, so there are very very few. It was a great weekend. There is just something about relaxing in the woods with family. Not everyone was able to make it up - We missed Holly and Bob, and Lisa's Family and Bill's family had other commitments, but it was a great time.
The kids seemed to have fun - fishing and playing in the water with the rope swing - and the adults spent time just visiting. Even the girls trip into town was fun. Of course - the temptation to spend money was great. We found this gadget - and I REALLLY REALLY want one - but I resisted!. Maybe for christmas (hint hint.......joseph)
You should check it out. FANTASTIC TOY!
But I digress.
I think, second to the company, the food was the next best part of the weekend. All the meal were great, but Brian and Jaime had a new thing for us to try. Needless to say? That was a great treat - and we know what everyone is getting for Christmas! Actually - Joseph is making us a set this week, to take camping over labor day. That will be our family camp-out for the summer. We are still staying local - but it is a toss up between High Creek and Green Canyon. I'm voting for High Creek. Joseph and I think we'll head up there Friday AM - right when he gets off work - and set up camp - leaving him there to sleep. Stuart and I both have school, and I'll just pick him up on the way back up there. Since there isn't a limit on the # of campers - anyone is invited to join us. It is a no fee campsite, which is great for groups.
anyway -this great treat? is called a "Dough Boy" - its a stick that can hold a biscuit, then you cook them over the fire. After they are cooked, you can put pie filling or fruit inside. They were really great. We can see breakfast uses as well - with sausages and eggs or yogurt and granola. Brian was the master - but he as had practice. He says the trick is to cook the sides first - then the bottom, otherwise the sides come off the stick, and then the whole biscuit falls off. The kids didn't quite get it, but apparently they are ok with eating under cooked biscuit dough (eewwwww). Of course, there was also the traditional smores and marshmallows. We were teasing Uncle John a little bit, becuase the adults would wait until the coals looked good to cook ours, and while we went to get the stick and dough, Uncle John would stoke up the fire, to make sure it kept going - so when we got back? BONFIRE! But since we were up until 2 am - the fire was useful and we were grateful to have it.
I believe I may have rambled on enough for now. We should get the kids to post some of their adventures. I'll pester Stuart - and have him tell you about the show they did up at the amphitheater, the bones they found, and the different games they played (Including their disappointment, when all of the adults ruled out the game they were making up, that required them to throw lawn darts at each other.....)
Are we allowed to put up "frumpy" posts? Or is that against the rules? I never see anyone list a really "bad" day on blogs. Sure, people will put up HORRIFIC stuff - like kids and paint and carpet? But what about your run of the mill frumpy day - where you just feel BLAH?
I wonder if there really is a rule book about this somewhere.....
I wonder if there really is a rule book about this somewhere.....
We were out and about this afternoon, and found several building kits on clearance at the local hobby store. Since Stuart has been working on the railroading merit badge, we thought it would be a good idea to let him buy a few of them. We came home, and were all working on this one. Here is the progress so far
Yes, we have a monster that lives in our couch - and it comes out and attacks at random.
Although, I should probably back up the story a bit. With Joseph working nights, he tends to sleep on the couch in the basement during the warm summer days. He was laying there, asleep, when all of a sudden something was attacking him, something sharp and pointy, from the INSIDE of the couch, from behind the cushion. In his half awake state, he rolled over, and looked, only to see 2 yellow eyes staring back out at him. Any attempt to remove the little monster from inside the couch was thwarted, by an attack of claws.
Apparently, the cat likes to hide in the space under there (the cushions don't fit tight), and she wanted to play.
Joseph gave up trying to reclaim the couch and finished sleeping on the floor.
Although, I should probably back up the story a bit. With Joseph working nights, he tends to sleep on the couch in the basement during the warm summer days. He was laying there, asleep, when all of a sudden something was attacking him, something sharp and pointy, from the INSIDE of the couch, from behind the cushion. In his half awake state, he rolled over, and looked, only to see 2 yellow eyes staring back out at him. Any attempt to remove the little monster from inside the couch was thwarted, by an attack of claws.
Apparently, the cat likes to hide in the space under there (the cushions don't fit tight), and she wanted to play.
Joseph gave up trying to reclaim the couch and finished sleeping on the floor.
It has been a busy few days. Mom and Dad brought Stuart home. We were able to see him for 24 hours - before he left for Scout Camp. When they got home, he came straight downstairs to see us. He is HUGE! He really did grow 2 inches while he was gone. He is as tall as Joseph now, and obviously taller than I am. He is eating even more, and tripping over his own feet (which are even bigger). He managed to break the shower handle downstairs (I'm still not sure how that happened). But we are very glad to have him home. It's been much too quiet without him home.
Saturday, we have a large family picnic over at Mack Park. We brought the boy a giant green ball and bubbles, but we all had the most fun in the creek. We even had my father, with his jeans rolled up and his cane, wading in the water! The boys have had the most fun though - throwing rocks and building damns.
Mom and Dad are heading to Matt and Crenda's for the rest of the week, but plan on being back up here on Saturday, when Stuart gets home. (see? we are replaced as soon as we have children!) They'll stay for a bit longer and then head on home.
Saturday, we have a large family picnic over at Mack Park. We brought the boy a giant green ball and bubbles, but we all had the most fun in the creek. We even had my father, with his jeans rolled up and his cane, wading in the water! The boys have had the most fun though - throwing rocks and building damns.
Mom and Dad are heading to Matt and Crenda's for the rest of the week, but plan on being back up here on Saturday, when Stuart gets home. (see? we are replaced as soon as we have children!) They'll stay for a bit longer and then head on home.
Doesn't it seem, that we simply don't have enough quality time with the ones we love?
Joseph and I decided to spend the day together. He had the day off from work, and the shop was closed - so we decided to take off for the day.
We started the morning with a canoe trip down the Bear River. That river winds and winds. Nathan and Elaine loaned us the canoe (and the truck to haul it) and told us, if we "let in" right where we turn to go to there house - we were about 2 hours from the dock in Amalga. I was a doubtful in the beginning - we are less than a 10 min drive at that point - but they were right on (hmm... like they had done this before or something ;-P
Anyway - Nathans instructions were to just hoist the canoe over the barbed wire - I asked if he meant the barbed wire with the "NO TRESPASSING" sign - and yeah... he did. Joseph and I were a little squemish about that - and found a section with no fence - that worked well. We had breakfast on the river (chocolate milk and fresh donuts - YUM) and headed off! It was comical at first-with me in the back trying to steer - but we got the hang of it.
It was a gorgeous morning! and so quiet out there, we were able to see portions of the valley that you can't see any other way. The wildlife was everywhere, and not afraid of us. We saw deer, falcons, even a HUGE owl. The fish were litereally jumping right out of the water.
After our canoeing adventure, we headed out to Ogden, and stopped and had a nice picnic in a park in Willard - including a nap! The weather was perfect - light breeze, but not too warm. After our picnic, we saw Mom Tveter, and helped her out with yardwork and shopping. With the wedding coming up, we trimmed back all of the bushes up the front walk and cleaned up the roses and mowed. It looks much better now.
The evening ended as we leisurely headed north again, stopping at the fruit stands (there isn't anything really in yet, but it was still fun) and ended up at Patti and Aaron's. They were shooting off fireworks and roasting smores in the back yard - out in the fields. I would really like someone to explain to me, how it is that the general intelligence of guys drops significantly when fire is involved - and PLUMMETS when you add fireworks to the mix? But, they had fun and nothing blew up, so I guess all's well that ends well.
It was still a fantastic day.
Joseph and I decided to spend the day together. He had the day off from work, and the shop was closed - so we decided to take off for the day.
We started the morning with a canoe trip down the Bear River. That river winds and winds. Nathan and Elaine loaned us the canoe (and the truck to haul it) and told us, if we "let in" right where we turn to go to there house - we were about 2 hours from the dock in Amalga. I was a doubtful in the beginning - we are less than a 10 min drive at that point - but they were right on (hmm... like they had done this before or something ;-P
Anyway - Nathans instructions were to just hoist the canoe over the barbed wire - I asked if he meant the barbed wire with the "NO TRESPASSING" sign - and yeah... he did. Joseph and I were a little squemish about that - and found a section with no fence - that worked well. We had breakfast on the river (chocolate milk and fresh donuts - YUM) and headed off! It was comical at first-with me in the back trying to steer - but we got the hang of it.
It was a gorgeous morning! and so quiet out there, we were able to see portions of the valley that you can't see any other way. The wildlife was everywhere, and not afraid of us. We saw deer, falcons, even a HUGE owl. The fish were litereally jumping right out of the water.
After our canoeing adventure, we headed out to Ogden, and stopped and had a nice picnic in a park in Willard - including a nap! The weather was perfect - light breeze, but not too warm. After our picnic, we saw Mom Tveter, and helped her out with yardwork and shopping. With the wedding coming up, we trimmed back all of the bushes up the front walk and cleaned up the roses and mowed. It looks much better now.
The evening ended as we leisurely headed north again, stopping at the fruit stands (there isn't anything really in yet, but it was still fun) and ended up at Patti and Aaron's. They were shooting off fireworks and roasting smores in the back yard - out in the fields. I would really like someone to explain to me, how it is that the general intelligence of guys drops significantly when fire is involved - and PLUMMETS when you add fireworks to the mix? But, they had fun and nothing blew up, so I guess all's well that ends well.
It was still a fantastic day.
He has been gone for a week now - We've had a week of quiet - no messes, no arguements. A week of not tripping over shoes in the doorway, dirty clothes in family room - no wet towels on the floor of the bathroom - when we can get him to shower. A week where the basement doesn't smell like teenage boy - A week where we only used 1 gallon of milk and 1/2 box of cereal.....
And guess what? We miss having him home. I must be crazy....
I tried to talk to him on the phone today - but he said he'd rather go play PS2 than talk to me... he can "talk to me whenever - I only get to play PS2 at Grandma's" He is getting very spoiled - because I called at 9:30 pm - to tell him goodnight..... apparently? He gets to stay up and sleep in becuase he is on "vacation" as I was so informed.
They really grow up just too darn fast. Well - he'll be home in a month and it will be back to the grindstone! Ok - maybe not a grindstone -but normal chores, fights, and an obscene grocery bill - all the items that come complimentary with a teenage boy
And guess what? We miss having him home. I must be crazy....
I tried to talk to him on the phone today - but he said he'd rather go play PS2 than talk to me... he can "talk to me whenever - I only get to play PS2 at Grandma's" He is getting very spoiled - because I called at 9:30 pm - to tell him goodnight..... apparently? He gets to stay up and sleep in becuase he is on "vacation" as I was so informed.
They really grow up just too darn fast. Well - he'll be home in a month and it will be back to the grindstone! Ok - maybe not a grindstone -but normal chores, fights, and an obscene grocery bill - all the items that come complimentary with a teenage boy
Yes, there is one! I have not been blogging lately, because I haven't had any pictures to put up. I guess it really is true - that a Cobblers children never have shoes? Well, a photographers family doesn't take pictures!
Actually, we've been really busy lately. The shop is growing, slowly - but any growth is good growth. The framing saws and glass cutter will arrive this week, so I'm very very excited about that. All of the corner samples arrived today - in seven HUGE boxes! That's going to take a little time to get sorted out. But Joseph was able to put the supports on the wall, so I'll be able to put up the actual wall to hold the corner samples. That's my project for Saturday.
Project # 2 for saturday, is framing Artwork for Joseph to sell. He was accepted into an Art Fair, so we are printing and matting images for the show. It will be hard to pick - but it will also be good advertising for the Gallery!
That was another bit of good news - The new business we have been getting came in from the Health Days event we participated in. I'm glad that we did it! I can officially say now, that the money we invested was worth it.
Stuart is doing really well - he managed to pull off a 3.25 (the snot could have done better - but he figured that if he didn't turn in anything else for the rest of the year, he'd still get decent grades, so why bother? - This is why I am so strict with grades. I'm not letting anyone else tell me again - that expecting straight A's from him is unrealistic.......)
He was also nominated to the Order of the Arrow for Scouts, and is very excited for teh "ordeal this weekend - the it is Off to CA - to be spoiled by Grandma for a week. He is looking forward to it. (as is grandma and grandpa)
He is also officially taller than both of us. At his physical he is 5'7" - and obviously still growing. I was folding his laundry, and sorting out all of the shirts where the sleeves are too short - and it left him with 2 shirts. So I called him (he and his dad were in SLC) and asked how his church shirt fit. I had noticed that he would tug on the sleeves a lot, but he said its ok. I asked about the neck - and if it was too tight. His response? Its fine.... as long as I don't have to button it. OY! so I went shopping for him, and he is now wearing a medium! 16 1/2 inch neck and a 35" sleeve..... they really do grow to fast. I'm not about to buy any of his school clothes until the week before school at this rate. And even then? they;ll probably only last until December!
What else has been going on? Joseph found work, at the cheese plant here in town. It will be nice to have medical benefits again - although - we never use them. They do have a decent orthdontic plan - so guess who is getting braces when he gets back ? Yup. Stuart - and he isn't very excited about that... But he really needs them.
Oh.. this is funny! My husband cracks me up! One of the benefits, is being able to buy cheese at a significantly reduced price. We had talked about what types of cheeses I cook with, and which ones would be nice to have in the house. So, I come home and he is so excited! He tell me - "I got blue cheese for you! thats the stuff you really like, right?" and I kid you not, he is glowing like a firefly in a jar. I told him, "yes, that the kind I like on salads"
- his reply? "Oh Good!" and then pulls out a 5 POUND BAG! I guess the look of shock on my face worried him - I had to reassure him, that it was fine, I was just surprised by the volume, because I normally only purchase it it 4 oz containers! at least it freezes well. I am set for the year now, with blue cheese.
signing off for now. I'll try to actually take pictures soon.
Actually, we've been really busy lately. The shop is growing, slowly - but any growth is good growth. The framing saws and glass cutter will arrive this week, so I'm very very excited about that. All of the corner samples arrived today - in seven HUGE boxes! That's going to take a little time to get sorted out. But Joseph was able to put the supports on the wall, so I'll be able to put up the actual wall to hold the corner samples. That's my project for Saturday.
Project # 2 for saturday, is framing Artwork for Joseph to sell. He was accepted into an Art Fair, so we are printing and matting images for the show. It will be hard to pick - but it will also be good advertising for the Gallery!
That was another bit of good news - The new business we have been getting came in from the Health Days event we participated in. I'm glad that we did it! I can officially say now, that the money we invested was worth it.
Stuart is doing really well - he managed to pull off a 3.25 (the snot could have done better - but he figured that if he didn't turn in anything else for the rest of the year, he'd still get decent grades, so why bother? - This is why I am so strict with grades. I'm not letting anyone else tell me again - that expecting straight A's from him is unrealistic.......)
He was also nominated to the Order of the Arrow for Scouts, and is very excited for teh "ordeal this weekend - the it is Off to CA - to be spoiled by Grandma for a week. He is looking forward to it. (as is grandma and grandpa)
He is also officially taller than both of us. At his physical he is 5'7" - and obviously still growing. I was folding his laundry, and sorting out all of the shirts where the sleeves are too short - and it left him with 2 shirts. So I called him (he and his dad were in SLC) and asked how his church shirt fit. I had noticed that he would tug on the sleeves a lot, but he said its ok. I asked about the neck - and if it was too tight. His response? Its fine.... as long as I don't have to button it. OY! so I went shopping for him, and he is now wearing a medium! 16 1/2 inch neck and a 35" sleeve..... they really do grow to fast. I'm not about to buy any of his school clothes until the week before school at this rate. And even then? they;ll probably only last until December!
What else has been going on? Joseph found work, at the cheese plant here in town. It will be nice to have medical benefits again - although - we never use them. They do have a decent orthdontic plan - so guess who is getting braces when he gets back ? Yup. Stuart - and he isn't very excited about that... But he really needs them.
Oh.. this is funny! My husband cracks me up! One of the benefits, is being able to buy cheese at a significantly reduced price. We had talked about what types of cheeses I cook with, and which ones would be nice to have in the house. So, I come home and he is so excited! He tell me - "I got blue cheese for you! thats the stuff you really like, right?" and I kid you not, he is glowing like a firefly in a jar. I told him, "yes, that the kind I like on salads"
- his reply? "Oh Good!" and then pulls out a 5 POUND BAG! I guess the look of shock on my face worried him - I had to reassure him, that it was fine, I was just surprised by the volume, because I normally only purchase it it 4 oz containers! at least it freezes well. I am set for the year now, with blue cheese.
signing off for now. I'll try to actually take pictures soon.
My nephew is hilarious. They came over for dinner tonight, and he started to rough house on the couch in the living room. here is the conversation that followed.
Aunt Sarah: Andrew, is that a couch or a jungle gym?
Andrew: It's a Jungle gym.
Aunt Sarah: - Are you sure? Maybe you should look closer.
Andrew: - See, watch.. OOOOKKKK OOOOKKKK EEEK EEKKKKK - because I'm a monkey.
At this point? what is there to say. I lost it... as did his mother.... I really couldn't respond.
Then later at dinner.....
his mother told him, make sure you Thank Aunt Sarah for dinner.....
So he says "Thanks for dinner Aunt Sarah, but I really don't want it"
Kids are hilarious.
Aunt Sarah: Andrew, is that a couch or a jungle gym?
Andrew: It's a Jungle gym.
Aunt Sarah: - Are you sure? Maybe you should look closer.
Andrew: - See, watch.. OOOOKKKK OOOOKKKK EEEK EEKKKKK - because I'm a monkey.
At this point? what is there to say. I lost it... as did his mother.... I really couldn't respond.
Then later at dinner.....
his mother told him, make sure you Thank Aunt Sarah for dinner.....
So he says "Thanks for dinner Aunt Sarah, but I really don't want it"
Kids are hilarious.
I am trying to get a small table runner done. One for Easter, and since Easter is soon approaching, I'd like to have it completed so that it can be out for a bit before, and a bit after.
Is this project cooperating? Not in the least.
I have measured and cut the borders as the instructions said. They were much to long.
So double checked all of my other measures. They were correct. No big deal - just a type in the instructions. So I unpick the corner blocs on the end and carefully measured the quilt top, (twice). As I went to sew on the borders? To short.
Now, I'm out of fabric. I have to choose another for the border. At this point, I am so frustrated, that I am giving up in the corner blocks, and just doing straight solid borders. I have JUST enough of another piece to finish this up
I sew them on, square them up, and start pressing. as I get the the last border? I PUT IT ON BACKWARDS! The peice I'm using is very similar front to back. The wrong side isn't obvious. Unless of course, it is sewn to itself, and then you can see the difference.
So again... I am picking out the seams. I swear, I've picked out more seams in this quilt than I've put in!!!
Is this project cooperating? Not in the least.
I have measured and cut the borders as the instructions said. They were much to long.
So double checked all of my other measures. They were correct. No big deal - just a type in the instructions. So I unpick the corner blocs on the end and carefully measured the quilt top, (twice). As I went to sew on the borders? To short.
Now, I'm out of fabric. I have to choose another for the border. At this point, I am so frustrated, that I am giving up in the corner blocks, and just doing straight solid borders. I have JUST enough of another piece to finish this up
I sew them on, square them up, and start pressing. as I get the the last border? I PUT IT ON BACKWARDS! The peice I'm using is very similar front to back. The wrong side isn't obvious. Unless of course, it is sewn to itself, and then you can see the difference.
So again... I am picking out the seams. I swear, I've picked out more seams in this quilt than I've put in!!!
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