Friday, April 20, 2012 0 comments

Dad thinks this is funny

When I am a neurotic adult afraid of frogs, Mom promises that she'll remind dad exactly why.  For some reason, he thinks this is funny.

Why Dad?  Why???


My talented hubby

Just one of the shots from our date the other night, at the Thanksgiving Point Gardens.  My husband is amazing to me.

As soon as I have a garden, these fantastic Tulips will be part of it.

The faces of Ethan

Ethan has a very expressive face - here are a few shots - starting with my angry face
My Angry Face

Starting to laugh

I am a happy boy
Someday - I'll be bigger than the frog!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012 0 comments


Yup... these guys will end up as my best friends! - although, not sure what to think right now......
I spent the other morning with all of them.  I think Tanner likes me the best, and can't wait until I am old enough to play with.  He has discovered that I slide along the floor pretty well, if you grab my ankle.   At the rate I'm growing, I should be able to hold my own soon.

Ready for Spring!

Ethan loves the outdoors - and mom loves this hat!  I'm glad that he will wear it!
its too bad that I've already outgrown these cute shoes.

Time for some pics!

I know its been a while, for those of you who need an Ethan Fix..... here you go!

Smart Like Dad!

I love my hat

Moms got that camera out again!

um.....are we done yet?