Friday, October 9, 2009

one of the 550 ;-(

yes... sad to say, Joseph was one of the 550 laid off at ATK this week. And so the job hunt begins. If anyone knows or hears of anything - please let us know! The idea of moving, or looking for jobs anywhere in the US is scary, but I'm worried that there are very few jobs in the valley.

Guess all the hard work this summer will pay off! Food Storage, here we come!


Augustus family said...

Your blog is way cute. I really like the back ground that you have chosen. I think that it is way fun, to go in to other peoples blogs and look at what kind of things they have picked out it really brings out there personality. Anyway don't forget about bring the baby clothes on sunday.

Anonymous said...

It is amazing how things work out the way that they are supposed to> Not always the way that we would have chosen, but still they do end up ok in the end. I hope that this is a challenge you only have to go thru once. It is no fun to go thru it more than that.
