Thursday, May 22, 2008

Camping Trip with Matt and Crenda May 2008

Last weekend we all pilled into Matt's truck and took off for the weekend. We had a great time. We will miss these trips - since in September when the new baby gets here, both families won't fit in the same car anymore. We went down to Spanish Fork Canyon to see the trains. The boys had a good time taking pictures - although I don't have any of those. They were using traditional film. Andrew loved it until the train blew it horn at the crossings. The funny thing, is that the Engineers would blow the horn for him even when they weren't at a crossing, thinking that it would be exciting for him - not realizing that it was terrifiying. My husband now totally fits in with our family. This was made apparent when he hoped a wall and a fence to climb down into part of the train yard to get a better picture. Matt has all of the film. Hopefully there are a some good shots that we can frame and put up in Stuart's room.

After the trains, we went up through Thistle, and showed Stuart where the little town used to be, and the landslide that destroyed it. There are still the remnants of houses there. It is pretty interesting.

The Campsite that we went to was down near Mt. Pleasant. That is a really pretty little valley. The site we had was perfect... If you look at the picture of Crenda, you can see the grass right behind us? That was the playground.. So Stu and Andrew took off, and stayed out of our hair for a while. In this picture, Crenda is prepping her foil Dinner (remember those?) Stuart made is own, which is part of his scout requirements. I can't believe that we are working on his Tenderfoot and 2nd class ranks already. He goes on his first scout trip - the 11 yr olds and their dads - in 3 weeks. He is excited to get his Tote N Chip - he got a swiss army knife for christmas, and his dad won't let him have it until he meets those requirements.
In this image - my nephew is turning into a daredevil - no thanks to his uncle! I have been replaced. Joseph is now Andrews favorite. Joseph taught him to go head first down the slide. They also wrestle and play in the sand and climb trees together. It's fun to watch. It makes me a little worried though. If we do have more kids... I think that they will literaly be swinging from the chandelier!
As a part of another Scout requirement, Joseph and Matt taught Stu to biuld a fire. He built this on by himself - using the log cabin style. It went up pretty quick and made great coals for roasting marshmellows. I was proud that he did it himself - and that he listened to the instructions from his Father and his Uncle. They may be hope yet!!!

This picture is for Matt. It is Matt and his pig - the magical animal that give us sausage and bacon! I have to tease Matt a bit. But he cooked breakfast and it was pretty good. For some reason, bacon and sausage taste better out in the open with a little dirt.
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