Monday, January 21, 2008

More Snow.

Well, today a storm hit, and I think it is the biggest one yet this year!! Here is a list of the images below

the back door (the snow is NOT Drifted - that is the level in the back yard

the driveway - last night it was totally clear - we measure the depth - 26 inches

That me standing at the base of the driveway. I'm in the street, right up against the snow in the driveway. We took this picture becuase when our neighbors drove by, the snow was level with the bottom of the windows in thier minivan

The fourth one down is me trying to climb back up to Joseph, who is trying to shovel from the top down. We got about 1/2 down the driveway - and there was another 1/2 inch . It's snowing pretty hard.

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