Wednesday, January 2, 2008

The big storm

I've been meaning to put up these pictures of the snow here. This is what we got 3 days before christmas.

This image is our neighbors across the street. We aren't sure what they were thinking, but you can see how deep it was in the driveway

This image is what it looked like when you opened the back door. Notice you can't see the bottom of the doorframe or the carpet. It is over my knees in the backyard (and the backyard doesn't get any drifts - the wind blows into the front of the house.

This is what we had to shovel out when you opened the garage door. We really need to buy a snowblower, but Joseph says the work out is good for him.

Just in case you think I'm exagerating about the snow, call Liz. She thought I was, and was really suprised when she came up here on the 23rd. Right now the piles next to the driveway are over my head, from where we have tossed the snow that was in the driveway. Salt Lake received about 17" more than the normal 12" for Decemeber. I can't find our mailbox, and if this keeps up, I'm afraid we'll lose a car if we leave it outside!. But Joseph and Stuart love it, I'm still undecided. We'll see how I feel in March.
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