Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Christmas with the Tveter's

Here is Dad, finally getting his wish......someone at the piano and his family singing Christmas Carols. This was Christmas Eve, after a fun dinner. We were glad that Em's kids were back from Tom's house and could join us. The only scary point of the night, was the drive there. A large storm blew in and the roads were a mess and visability next to nothing. But, I guess we have great tires, becuase we never lost traction

This is Em and her new Husband, Mark. He got back from the United Arab Emmerits (I hope I have that right). He flew in about an hour before the Party at the Uncle John's and Aunt Corrine's. That Party was a lot of Fun, especially meeting Alan and Amber's new baby! Dad had the camera that night..... I'm suprised that there aren't more pictures.

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