Wow.....12 already. And you gotta love the picture. He refuses to smile..... and you wonder why I won't spend the money to take him and have them professionally done.........
I can;t believe it. It has gone by so fast. Sunday, on his actual birthday, he was sustained to be a Deacon by the ward, and sat up on the stand with the bishop for Sacrament Meeting. I was mortified, of course, when I saw him folding paper boats out of the program, and picking his nose.
But several moms stopped and spoke with me. They told me that he was the "epitomy" of an deacon.... just exactly what you would expect from a 12 year old. They also assured me that he would grow out it. I sure hope that is the case.......... he is my only hope for grandkids.......
Last night was his first Young mens activity. They were going to go bowling at the fun center..... but decided that was too expensive.... so they played pool instead.
It was kinda fun for Joseph and I.... a quiet evening at home, without a chaperone! We curled up on the couch and watched a movie.
anyway.... we are looking forward to seeing everyone this weekend.
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