I know I need to be better about actual events. So let me tell you about the awesome weekend we had.
As was posted before, Stuart was ordained a Deacon this past Sunday. He is such an awesome kid. I know I complain that he drive me nuts (as any normal pre-teen should) but I have to make mention of the times that his real personality shows through. I think as parents we need that every once in a while, as a little glimpse into the type of men our boys will become. I am really proud of him this weekend. Not only for the choices that he has made, but for understanding them and understanding that they are privileges. There is a part of me that is excited to see these changes, no matter how brief, but there is a part of me that is struggling... my little boy is growing up.
I feel that I should also mention, that I have an amazing and awesome husband. He is a great example to Stuart. He is also amazingly patient and helpful. Sunday, after church, we successfully fed 54 people at our home! 22 of which were kids, all of them younger than Stuart. It was CHAOS! but it was also great to be surrounded by family. All of which are supportive and involved.
So enough of the deep thoughts for the moment. I just had to say that I have some great guys in my life.
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