Friday, September 7, 2012 0 comments

Look what I can do!!

Yes, this is my best friend, and this is how I sleep on his lap.  Bum in the air, arms hanging down.

As I am cutting my top teeth - this vibrating teether is my favorite toy.  That and ice

I am SOO proud of myself

yes, Barely 8 months old and he is pulling him self up to standing.  He like to open drawers to give himself something to pull him self up with.
Labor DAY!   A day to celebrate work by not doing any of it.

So we went up to the Bingham Copper Mine.  We've decided to make sure the kids have been to all of the LOCAL landmarks, hysterical sites and such, before we start travelling to see the ones further away.  That and we are saving up to buy some land and build a house in the spring.  I might put up images of the houses we are considering.   Thats a whole different  (and overwhelming) project.  Who knows, maybe we'll still end up buying a really old house and remodeling.  We'll have to see what the winter brings.
Anyway, here are some shots from our trip to the giant hole in the ground.

Look! Tonka Trucks   ;-)

The images below here, are of the railroad trestle over Markham Gulch - which was right above the house where my grandmother was born.

This is an example, of one of the tires, that my grandfather and his best friend (his uncle) managed to get upright and push down the hill - on main st. in Mercer.  They were 16 or 17 at the time.
