But today, Stuart and Alaric rode thier bikes over in the AM. (they left at 7:30 this morning). It is about 9 miles. Alaric mowes the lawns, while stuart weeds. They called us and said we needed to harvest. We really didn't believe them, but we do now! Rachael, Elaine, and I spent about 2 hours out in the sun this afternoon, picking beans. I brought them home, and have prepped, blanched, bagged, and frozen them
Today's harvest yeilded 21.5 lb of green beans, and 1.5 lbs of yellow wax beans.
The part that scares us, is that the corn is coming to a head,
which means soon, it will be polinating. We'll be doing beans, corn and pickles - all at the same time.
Tomorrows activity is preparing jars. I suspect we will be picking 2 or 3 times a week. I think we are going to sell some of the produce. At least Patti gets home on Sunday.
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