Thursday, April 30, 2009

What a Week!

Wow.. we have had a really busy week! We left last Wednesday for CA. That was a long drive. We left at noon... and it wasn't too bad, until we got into CA. Then I-8o was closed... so they detoured us up and around the side streets in the Sierra's. That added on another several hours of drive time. We go in around 2 am. Boy were we tired!

But Thursday morning we dove right in. I started baking the cakes, and Joseph and Stuart went for a hike in Las Trampas. I've included some images from their 8 mile hike. They had a lot of fun.

It was one of those fun moments for me.... when I got back to the house, after running errands, to find both of them in towels in the hallway, and here Joseph say "quick - if we get the clothes washed before mom gets home, we don't have to tell her."

So of course I had to ask...."Tell me what??" as I rounded the corner. Both of them looking sheepish and Joseph answered "Well.. we got into some poison oak.... BUT the good news is that Stuart seems just as immune as I am"

Of course... I had them do the laundry - because I am NOT immune. But mom had some stuff that you add to the wash that is supposed to neutralize the oil. But all in all they had a great time.

